Triplaco makes the difference, now and in the future
As an interior builder, you naturally like to make the right, most relevant material choice for the execution of your interior projects. A high-quality and reliable material partner plays an important role in this choice. By choosing products from Triplaco, which specialises in the production and distribution of high-quality decorative panels, you are choosing leading products, also in terms of sustainability.
Progressive material partner
A conscious choice of panel brands makes Triplaco a progressive material partner. All panels that leave Triplaco are PEFC or FSC® certified, even the bonded boards by Triplaco. This gives you -at all times - the guarantee all the board materials you process are of sustainable origin and - if you are PEFC/FSC® certified yourself - you can also promote the sustainable character of it to your end customer.
Moreover, many materials are offered with the Cradle to Cradle certificate. Thats is the case for all melamine faced chipboard of Pfleiderer which is the leading supplier for furniture and interior construction in Europe, and of which Triplaco is a premium partner in Belgium.
Pfleiderer's materials are always produced under the most sustainable and climate-friendly conditions and all melamine-faced chipboards which rolls off their production line carries the cradle2cradle certificate. This sustainability certificate goes lots further than pure recycling. In recycling, materials are reused, but not necessarily for the same application. Moreover, the recycling process usually generates new residual waste and materials can only be recycled a limited number of times because the quality of the recycled material deteriorates after each recycling process.
Cradle2Cradle involves 100% reuse: the products are designed and produced in such a way that the materials can be reused an infinite number of times.
In this way, the issue of wood shortage from sustainably managed forests is also actively reduced. Indeed, Pfleiderer chipboards are produced entirely from pre- and post-consumer recycled products. This waste wood is carefully separated from foreign substances such as metals, non-metals, plastics, sand and stone. This leaves only clean waste wood that is used for the recycling process. Pfleiderer's circular chipboard is therefore one of the cleanest circular boards on the market. No trees need to be cut down for the production of Pfleiderer's chipboard.
This focused, comprehensive and coordinated strategy to produce sustainably resulted in Pfleiderer being named one of the best performing companies in the European building materials industry when it comes to sustainability. Their range of melaminated chip and HPL is therefore always a high-quality and responsible choice.
Ook alle andere merken binnen de portefeuille van Triplaco werden bewust uitgekozen om de ecologische voetafdruk van deze materialen zo laag mogelijk te houden. Abet Laminati bijvoorbeeld – Italiaans fabrikant van HPL en wereldwijd bekend – blijft continu investeren in een productiebeleid dat zich richt op een zo laag mogelijke impact op het milieu. Zo komt bijna de helft van hun elektriciteitsverbruik van restwarmte uit stadsverwarming en wordt meer dan de helft van hun waterverbruik opnieuw in het productieproces geinjecteerd.
All other brands within Triplaco's portfolio were also deliberately chosen to keep the ecological footprint of these materials as low as possible. Abet Laminati, for example - Italian manufacturer of HPL and known worldwide - continues to continuously invest in a production policy that focuses on the lowest possible environmental impact. For example, almost half of their electricity consumption comes from residual heat from district heating and more than half of their water consumption is re-injected into the production process.
Triplaco is therefore particularly proud of its partnerships with these manufacturers. Not only does this allow it to offer high-quality and refined products, but thanks to these partnerships our company is also a leader in the field of sustainability, outperforming many of its competitors.

Triplaco NV
PEFC policy statement
The PEFC label is a seal of approval to promote sustainable forest management, paying equal attention to ecology, economy and social aspects. Read our PEFC Policy Statement here.
Triplaco NV
FSC beleidsverklaring
Het FSC®-label garandeert een verantwoord bosbeheer omdat niet enkel het bos van oorsprong wordt gecontroleerd, maar ook de hele handelsketen tot bij de eindconsument. Lees hier onze FSC Core Labour requirements.